Border Community Alliance (BCA), a local nonprofit based in Tubac, AZ, is offering group showings of its award-winning film, “Pilgrimage to Magdalena” to Tucson-area groups during fall 2022.  This 30-minute film documents the centuries-old, cross-order October pilgrimage of hundreds of people each year to Magdalena, Sonora, site of the Saint Maria Magdalena Church.  The church holds both the remains of Father Eusebio Fransico Kino and a life-sized reclining statue of St. Francis Xavier, the informal patron of the Pimería Alta. St. Francis is honored in October each year with the largest religious pilgrimage and fiesta in Sonora. Following the showing of the film, BCA representatives can answer questions from the audience.
Link to film trailer:

For more information about a film showing, contact BCA Board member, Sara Martin, at

Border Community Alliance is a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to bridging the border and creating community through education, cultural exchange and social investment.